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Monthly Archives: November 2006

friday night flood…

Meine Damen und Herren Cast your eyes to The Center of the Universe Stand up pilgrim and move your hips In a convex mirror they paint their lips Come in, Pilgrim, enter this trance Kommen Sie bitte rein! They’re naked and they dance Off with your traveling shoes So caked in mud Since we’re out […]

the equivalent of whiskey and afternoon tea…

between addison and haste It hit me today We are a rock band Taking tea with Theater. We are its charmingly disheveled guests. And we, in turn, have reserved A nice corner table At Joe’s Pub For Theater to sit at She is our well-put-together Plus one. And when the curtain goes up We all […]

i don’t remember sunday…

things have been hectic and i don’t remember anything about sunday’s two shows…so if the nice lady who sent the nice comments about the sunday matinee would allow me i’ll post her comments in an effort to keep the chronological “flow” happening…i await your permission… /s

full moon…noel cowards only got…consequences.

saturday night went crazy keyboard malfunctions weird ghostly sounds in the house all around so while it makes sense that humans would be moved by the moon why would keyboards be??? that said we dealt with it…spurney came thru like the gunslinging champion music machine we all know him to be…playing these crazy songs on […]

waiting for ghetto…

friday night…fun crowd…folks came correct and ready to laugh…daniel breaker, our young god of a lead, continues to flow…continues to groove at an ever new level…continues to be the music…sets the madness meter…tonight this play is not so much about being IN the moment as it is about simply BEING the moment…bobbing and weaving with […]

thurs day…thurs night…

played for alotta high school people at thursday matinee…after playing for people anywhere from two to three to four times their age it was quite fun and interesting to see in which places the young adults laughed…and didn’t laugh…at the shows grand finale i asked them if they were ditching…this must have seriously confused all […]

now let us praise those who speak, even while drunk, in complete sentences…

someone in a bar said to me… “We don’t have to “understand” everything that happens in the world of Passing Strange. The title itself should be a clue to that fact. It is a total sensory experience before it is anything else. It is a play that operates like music. And since it is clearly […]

radio stuff…

Thursday night at 7:30 PM, 30-minute interview on KUSF’s Words on Theatre (90.3 FM) Friday at 12:35 PM , live five-minute interview on KCBS 740 AM.

lord knows i love a haunting/halloween in the process

i don’t know what the moon looked like in your halloween sky but onstage tonight it was full, huge and orange… and it floated like an ice cube in the black kool aid of our minds… and the play was a parade of giggly spirits laughing at halloween in the process of conquering tuesday… /s