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Monthly Archives: January 2008

a word from Chad…

…and the word is: Acceptance.

i like to watch

now that we’re on broadway i get to have an assistant (Mike) but what’s really fun is having an understudy…his name is David and I watched him perform today and i was in heaven… /s

the tv cameras were here today…

…filming us rehearse…interviewing us…we gave them a taste of the Real…

day six of rehearsal

STEW ok, so we didn’t exactly update the blog in what you could call a “daily” manner. TOM Ok, see you Tuesday… TRIPP asks inappropriate question… MIKE Do you know why that is? STEW Yes, it is because blogs are unnatural. If it were an analog journal…actually, I don’t update those either. And by the […]

first day of rehearsal

Hello, this is the first in a daily – YES DAILY – series of internet communications with you, dear reader. MIKE Daily until when? Forever? STEW Yes. /s

does winter own a calendar?

the berlin snow having missed her christmas cue by a week comes in late and stumbling as if having partied all night spilling packages everywhere and with her usual sense of calender conscious bravado our seasonal drama queen makes her big entrance into the capital of the last century on new years day. And its […]