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loosey goosey sunday…two shows…both great fun…happening crowds…whoever said sunday crowds were sleepy must have been asleep…

nice performing with my daughter in the house…the only critic in the world that matters…she digs the show… so we’ve done something wright

and while we’re on the subject of actual things lemme get my blab on regarding the issue of autobiography…

what you saw up there on stage was not by any means a depiction of things as they actually happened to me personally. it’s possible to make autobiography without getting bogged down by actual details…but you knew that, right?

in future posts i’ll explore this whole “fibbing in order to tell the truth” approach to autobiographical fiction. i’ll also write about where the characters came from…but for now just know that…

the charger on my ibook is broken so i can’t write anymore tonight…yet another case for duct tape…
