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tuesday’s light…

…the show is gone but berkeley carries on…as do we…we who never saw the sun rest its rays on Shattuck and Center quite like it did today…it seemed to shine in a whole new way…perhaps we’d been too distracted to see it…perhaps we’d been too busy to be it…sunlight burnished the horde…and onto every corner light was poured…and the people shone like jewels…some shone like sapphire, some like gold…the homeless shone like diamonds…and you shone like emerald…I tell you my friend, the people shone like jewels today…and they shone like jewels until the sun moved away…

rodewald and I had lunch at that “hey-we’re-kinda-frenchy” joint with the roast chicken (poulet? It was great.)…kept feeling this strange sense of panic…had to remind myself I was in no hurry cuz there was no show today…or tomorrow…monday night: dinner with a table full of new friends… exquisite…the food, the conversation, the people…everyone at the table fell under the definition of Friend: the one of which you always ask: when will we see us again? We hope to return in Feb to do a show…when all is set we’ll be sure to let you know…
ps: i’m new the this whole blogging thing and i still haven’t worked responding to your comments into my rhythm yet…but please continue to comment…because i WILL respond to them, i promise.

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